In connection to the current report no 33/2013 of 7 June, 2013 regarding supplement to the agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting of Boryszew S.A. and taking into account the change proposed by shareholder of § 6 passage 1 of the Company’s Statute, the Management Board of Boryszew S.A. publish the hitherto existing wording of § 6 passage 1 of the Company’s Statute:
“The initial capital of the Company amounts to PLN 225,671,569.20 and is divided into 2,256,715,692 units of shares of the nominal value of PLN 0.10 each, including: 32,212,500 Series A ordinary bearers’ shares; 910,278 units of Series B ordinary bearers’ shares; 22,563,769 units of Series C ordinary bearers’ shares; 7,000,000 units of Series D ordinary bearers’ shares; 313,432,735 units of Series E ordinary bearers’ shares; 752,238,564 units of Series F ordinary bearers’ shares and 1,128,357,846 units of Series G ordinarybearers’ shares.”
Piotr Szeliga – President of the Management Board