Financial information of Boryszew S.A.

Financial results of Boryszew S.A. 2015
Net revenuesPLN k400 004291 035321 579 305 800
Profit (loss) on operating activitiesPLN k-37 22826 49721 71624 549
Gross profit (loss)PLN k-67 33622 47824 37519 406
Net profit (loss)PLN k-44 37212 10919 80516 223
Net cash flowsPLN k-3 1646 4365 261-9 722
Operating cash flowsPLN k12 66738 23327 889-9 833
Cash flow from investingPLN k-24 737-17 141-51 277-27 005
Cash flow from financing activitiesPLN k8 906-14 65628 64927 116
Total assetsPLN k1 520 6191 538 7291 515 6901 502 861
Liabilities and provisions for liabilitiesPLN k954 082924 112917 386889 497
Long-term liabilitiesPLN k125 941112 101100 493158 083
Short-term liabilitiesPLN k828 141812 011816 893731 414
EquityPLN k566 537614 617598 304613 364
Share capitalPLN k248 906248 906248 906248 906
no of sharesk240 000240 000240 000240 000
Book value per sharePLN2.362.562.492.56
Profit (loss) per sharePLN-


 Financial information of Boryszew Capital Group

Financial results of Boryszew Capital Group 2015
4Q3Q 2Q 1Q
Net revenuesPLN k  1 328 3801 293 1561 564 0371 492 407
Profit (loss) on operating activitiesPLN k  30 86637 94519 30449 906
Gross profit (loss)PLN k  14 9497 28321 88845 365
Net profit (loss)PLN k  5 8131 1986 53326 498
Net cash flowsPLN k 26 07916 5869 731-34 998
Operating cash flowsPLN k 95 184136 75749 770-8 527
Cash flow from investingPLN k -28 426-74 543-55 891-42 295
Cash flow from financing activitiesPLN k -40 679-45 62815 85215 824
Total assetsPLN k  3 452 7913 463 7323 601 1093 470 133
Liabilities and provisions for liabilitiesPLN k  2 037 8942 062 7362 168 1302 011 667
Long-term liabilitiesPLN k  337 593387 667384 965370 789
Short-term liabilitiesPLN k  1 673 5781 646 3791 753 0821 608 317
EquityPLN k  857 511828 230833 574869 070
Share capitalPLN k 248 906248 906248 906248 906
No of shares k 240 000240 000240 000240 000
Book value per sharePLN  3,573,453,473,62
Profit (loss) per sharePLN  0,020,010,030,11
