Financial information of Boryszew S.A.

Financial results of Boryszew S.A. 2021
Net revenuesPLN k621 897459 350432 229404 249
Profit (loss) on operating activitiesPLN k-24 51949 27622 51423 958
Gross profit (loss)PLN k-266 3703 57310 11325 730
Net profit (loss)PLN k-273 505-11 9055 84119 807
Net cash flowsPLN k9 85215 705-2 106-1 409
Operating cash flowsPLN k100 548-56 46722 24645 870
Cash flow from investingPLN k-41 65575 621-218-91 336
Cash flow from financing activitiesPLN k-49 041-3 449-24 13444 057
Total assetsPLN k2 513 4622 718 6962 720 3532 678 315
Liabilities and provisions for liabilitiesPLN k1 146 1371 092 1011 073 4291 043 483
Long-term liabilitiesPLN k135 481124 360136 167135 258
Short-term liabilitiesPLN k1 010 656967 741937 262908 225
EquityPLN k1 367 3251 626 5951 646 9241 634 832
Share capitalPLN k248 906248 906248 906248 906
No of shares k205 205205 205205 205205 205
Book value per share PLN6.666.786.866.81
Profit (loss) per share PLN-1.33-



Financial information of Boryszew Capital Group

Financial results of Boryszew Capital Group 2021
Net revenuesPLN k1 607 4201 599 8321 605 8101 450 938
Profit (loss) on operating activitiesPLN k7 09458 54354 68349 885
Gross profit (loss)PLN k4 63774 59730 69342 291
Net profit (loss)PLN k-11 86140 85216 82726 977
Net cash flowsPLN k65 368 5 608-3 775-32 311
Operating cash flowsPLN k179 58131 853-33 809-24 812
Cash flow from investingPLN k41 676 52 85441 586-31 493
Cash flow from financing activitiesPLN k-155 889 -79 099-11 55223 994
Total assetsPLN k4 220 636 4 365 5194 338 7574 291 041
Liabilities and provisions for liabilitiesPLN k2 473 932 2 620 1692 639 6652 609 594
Long-term liabilitiesPLN k527 214 534 389567 118617 467
Short-term liabilitiesPLN k1 905 815 1 976 1162 056 1211 975 550
EquityPLN k1 720 205 1 721 3431 677 1111 658 073
Share capitalPLN k248 906 248 906248 906248 906
No of sharesk202 000202 000202 000202 000
Book value per share PLN8.527.176.996.91
Profit (loss) per share PLN-
