Financial information of Boryszew S.A.

Financial results of Boryszew S.A. 2014
Net revenuesPLN k284 578270 941237 342255 791
Profit (loss) on operating activitiesPLN k4 09911 56614 91517 102
Gross profit (loss)PLN k-4969 98311 54114 129
Net profit (loss)PLN k-2 8197 6289 26311 476
Net cash flowsPLN k-5 28612 672-12 924623
Operating cash flowsPLN k30 16047 5116 024-13 258
Cash flow from investingPLN k-47 851-67 403-24 271-13 046
Cash flow from financing activitiesPLN k12 40532 5645 32326 927
Total assetsPLN k1 428 1771 403 5491 327 5831 278 298
Liabilities and provisions for liabilitiesPLN k829 311796 025838 836799 427
Long-term liabilitiesPLN k144 011116 440128 762109 086
Short-term liabilitiesPLN k685 300679 585710 074690 341
EquityPLN k598 866607 524488 747478 871
Share capitalPLN k248 906248 906228 906228 906
No of shares k 240 000220 000220 000220 000
Book value per sharePLN2,502,762,222,18
Profit (loss) per sharePLN-0,010,040,040,05


 Financial information of Boryszew Capital Group

Financial results of Boryszew Capital Group 2014
4Q3Q 2Q1Q
Net revenuesPLN k1 228 5121 295 6781 305 3431 228 587
Profit (loss) on operating activitiesPLN k53 58377 65045 16533 957
Gross profit (loss)PLN k36 50052 35139 54823 302
Net profit (loss)PLN k33 17040 34325 42510 973
Net cash flowsPLN k20 679-7 988-35 95311 573
Operating cash flowsPLN k95 365-27 37382 39724 162
Cash flow from investingPLN k-72 087-111 818-77 926-35 581
Cash flow from financing activitiesPLN k-2 599131 203-40 42422 992
Total assetsPLN k3 350 1873 419 9393 190 4213 067 874
Liabilities and provisions for liabilitiesPLN k1 915 9381 985 9151 936 2701 848 840
Long-term liabilitiesPLN k423 188393 866366 740314 764
Short-term liabilitiesPLN k1 458 4871 531 6341 506 3791 467 754
EquityPLN k851 434821 022657 307633 639
Share capitalPLN k 248 906248 906228 906228 906
No of sharesk 240 000220 000220 000220 000
Book value per sharePLN3,553,732,992,88
Profit (loss) per sharePLN  0,140,180,120,05
