Financial information of Boryszew S.A.

Financial results of Boryszew S.A. 2016
Net revenuesPLN k369 705347 856346 835381 565
Profit (loss) on operating activitiesPLN k2 35616 1318 11420 814
Gross profit (loss)PLN k9 1447 619-16 4902 010
Net profit (loss)PLN k8 6069 466-15 9181 553
Net cash flowsPLN k-1 44324 04112 8092 794
Operating cash flowsPLN k2 35372 7437 22323 578
Cash flow from investingPLN k34 637-84 5941 957-21 918
Cash flow from financing activitiesPLN k-38 43335 8923 6291 134
Total assetsPLN k1 588 7921 593 1691 549 7051 550 399
Liabilities and provisions for liabilitiesPLN k1 021 0451 036 181999 022984 817
Long-term liabilitiesPLN k217 469197 579197 558178 316
Short-term liabilitiesPLN k803 576838 602801 464806 501
EquityPLN k567 747556 988550 683565 582
Share capitalPLN k248 906248 906248 906248 906
No of sharesk240 000240 000240 000240 000
Book value per sharePLN2.372.322.302.36
Profit (loss) per sharePLN0.040.04-0.070.01


Financial information of Boryszew Capital Group

Financial results of Boryszew Capital Group 2016
Net revenuesPLN k1 411 0781 319 4411 388 1291 463 576
Profit (loss) on operating activitiesPLN k15 14188 94988 60566 313
Gross profit (loss)PLN k19 79984 07860 34253 046
Net profit (loss)PLN k9 02059 14731 41935 967
Net cash flowsPLN k4 04427 73026 269-2 231
Operating cash flowsPLN k271 198-51 242117 43737 403
Cash flow from investingPLN k-201 285-2 758-70 194-73 779
Cash flow from financing activitiesPLN k-65 86981 730-20 97434 145
Total assetsPLN k3 770 1413 774 2263 703 1933 655 618
Liabilities and provisions for liabilitiesPLN k2 214 6972 203 9902 195 3212 195 429
Long-term liabilitiesPLN k475 423465 765402 146381 516
Short-term liabilitiesPLN k1 717 1091 715 4071 769 0581 789 723
EquityPLN k953 741963 975903 280890 366
Share capitalPLN k248 906248 906248 906248 906
No of sharesk240 000240 000240 000240 000
Book value per sharePLN3.974.023.763.71
Profit (loss) per sharePLN0.
