Financial information of Boryszew S.A.

Financial results of Boryszew S.A. 2013
Net revenuesPLN k234 475233 392249 488227 722
Profit (loss) on operating activitiesPLN k14 17213 99012 81819 274
Gross profit (loss)PLN k8 8107 457-27 30417 684
Net profit (loss)PLN k9 0985 380-28 75714 386
Net cash flowsPLN k9 032-5 2217298 374
Operating cash flowsPLN k18 074-3 118-19 50710 809
Cash flow from investingPLN k-18 48315 15017 627-11 362
Cash flow from financing activitiesPLN k9 441-17 2532 6098 927
Total assetsPLN k1 184 2291 128 5761 123 4521 100 828
Liabilities and provisions for liabilitiesPLN k716 682679 094677 045622 983
Long-term liabilitiesPLN k105 345114 726118 19483 584
Short-term liabilitiesPLN k611 337564 368558 851539 399
EquityPLN k467 547449 482446 407477 845
Share capitalPLN k228 906228 906234 807234 807
No of sharesk220 000220 000225 671.57225 671.57
Book value per share PLN2.132.041.982.12
Profit (loss) per sharePLN0.040.02-0.130.06


Financial information of Boryszew Capital Group

Financial results of Boryszew Capital Group 2013
Net revenuesPLN k1 147 1331 249 0331 230 3531 211 827
Profit (loss) on operating activitiesPLN k3 96745 46519 29528 333
Gross profit (loss)PLN k-8 85936 2904 74620 214
Net profit (loss)PLN k9159 199-5 2658 906
Net cash flowsPLN k22 9233 393-3 255-7 630
Operating cash flowsPLN k101 87491 6359 168-21 729
Cash flow from investingPLN k-51 374-40 822-11 422-31 746
Cash flow from financing activitiesPLN k-27 577-47 420-1 00145 845
Total assetsPLN k2 921 1962 882 4092 920 7082 856 067
Liabilities and provisions for liabilitiesPLN k1 711 7371 702 8351 728 1271 660 361
Long-term liabilitiesPLN k306 948286 597242 044241 919
Short-term liabilitiesPLN k1 340 8211 345 9521 418 3611 352 627
EquityPLN k628 029606 001636 973655 079
Share capitalPLN k228 906228 906234 807234 807
No of shares k220 000220 000225 671.57225 671.57
Book value per sharePLN2.862.762.822.90
Profit (loss) per sharePLN00.04-0.020.04
