The Management Board of Boryszew S.A. informs, in connection to the current report no 97/2011 of November 27th, 2011, that realizing the program of taking up treasury shares adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Boryszew S.A. upon resolution no 4 on October 13th, 2011, the Company purchased on December 5th, 2011 on the Warsaw Stock Exchange 3,000,000 treasury shares, each at the nominal value of PLN 0.10 and unit price of PLN 0.7300.
The above mentioned own shares give 3,000,000 votes at GM of the Company and are equal to 0.1329 % of the initial capital of the Company.
From the beginning of the program the Company has purchased 31,364,489 shares giving right to 31,364,489 votes and equal to 1,3898 % of votes at GM of the Company.
Małgorzata Iwanejko – President of the Management Board