In connection with the current report no 34/2014 dated 18 June 2014 regarding Concluding of final agreements of shares purchase of Tensho Poland Corporation Spółka z o.o. with the seat in Ostaszew, the Management Board of Boryszew SA informs that on 13 April 2016 was concluded an agreement between Sanko Corp. Ltd., Tokio, Japan, Impexmetal SA and Boryszew SA (the Parties), the Parties under the agreement agreed, that Boryszew’s shares transferred by Impexmetal S.A. on 17 June 2014 for the benefit of Sanko Co., Ltd., in quantities 1,356,169 units of Boryszew’s shares, in exchange for Sanko’s receivables purchased by Impexmetal S.A. in relation with Tensho Poland Company o.o., will be blocked on the broker’s account for the further 2 years.
After the period Impexmetal S.A. will be entitled to the call option for the amount equal to the purchased shares enlarged by 20 % and Sanko Corp. Ltd., will be entitled to put option for the amount equal to purchase price.
Piotr Szeliga – President of the Management Board
Translation from the original Polish version.
In the event of differences resulting from the translation, reference should be made to the official Polish version.