Current report no: 14/2022
The Management Board of Boryszew S.A. (Company, Issuer) advises that on 29 April 2022 the Management Board resolved to submit to the nearest General Meeting of Boryszew S.A. a motion on dividend payment in the amount of PLN 0.92 per one share entitled to dividend, i.e. in total amount of PLN 188 788 600.00, from the Company’s supplementary capital, which, according to the provisions of art. 348 § 1 of the Commercial Companies Code may be assigned for distribution.
At the same time, the Management Board applies to the Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders to set the dividend date as 3 June 2022 and the dividend payment date as 10 June 2022.
In view of the foregoing, the Management Boar of the Issued intends to apply for approvals from the financing banks under the terms of certain loan agreements to pay dividends. The Company has sufficient financial resources to pay dividends, in particular from the sale of financial assets in 2021 (including shares in subsidiaries Elana – PET Spółka z o.o., FŁT Polska Spółka z o.o.), the sale of shares in Granges AB and assets of Hutmen Spółka z o.o.
At the same time, the Issuer advises that under art. 364 § 2 of the Commercial Companies Code, the Company does not exercise participation rights from own shares, except for the right to sell them or perform actions aiming at preservation of these rights. The Company’s own shares are not eligible for dividends. On the date of publication of this current report, the Company holds 34 795 000 own shares.
The Supervisory Board of Boryszew S.A. gave positive opinion on the proposal of the Company’s Management Board concerning the recommended dividend payment. The final decision on the dividend payment will be made by the General Meeting of Boryszew S.A.
Podstawa prawna: Art. 17 ust. 1 MAR – informacje poufne.
Wojciech Kowalczyk – Prezes Zarządu