The Management Board of Boryszew S.A. (Company), in connection with the current report no 13/2012 of March 22nd, 2012 informs that according to the agreement concerning purchase of assets of German companies YMOS GmbH, YMOS Ubrig GmbH and YMOS Prenzlau GmbH, consisting, among others, of:
– fixed and current assets,
– real-estates,
– intangible assets,
– good will,
– obligations resulting from selected orders with contractors (clients and suppliers),
both parties have executed latest duties leading to
The issuer informs that fulfilling of the remaining suspension conditions of the agreement has result in transfer of ownership of purchased assets on March 25th, 2012 at midnight. The transfer iof the real-property will be executed after the entry of the new owners to the land register.
The estimated value of the order amounts to ca EUR 9.9 m and consists of purchased assets – see current report no 7/2012 of March 13th, 2012.
YMOS Group is the leading European producer of plastic, galvanized and chromium-plated elements for automotive sector, including finished sets of car door opening systems. It is also a producer of alloys metals elements , such as: emblems of cars, locks and door handles and other elements of car equipment.
Purchased assets will enlarge the share of automotive secror in the revenues of the whole Boryszew capital Group up to 40 %.
Małgorzata Iwanejko – President of the Management Board