The Management Board of Boryszew S.A. (the Company) informs that it got a notification on 3 January 2013 from a member of the Management Board and a member of the Supervisory Board, taking simultaneously supervisory posts in Impexmetal S.A. (alltogether 2 notifications) that a subsidiary company – Impexmetal S.A. acting upon the authorization granted by Boryszew S.A. through the Resolution no 4 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Boryszew S.A. of 13 October 2011 regarding authorization of the Management Board to purchase Boryszew’s treasury shares, as well as upon art. 362 § 1 point 8) and art. 362 § 4 of the commercial companies code, made the following purchase transactions on the Warsaw Stock Exchange:
Purchase date No. of shares Share’s average price
28.12.2012 5,377,520 PLN 0.62
The obliged persons do not agree to disclose their personal datas.
Piotr Szeliga – President of the Management Board