Boryszew S.A. with a registered office in Warsaw (‘Company’) hereby informs that on this day the Company was notified, under art. 69 sec. 1 of the Public Offer and Financial Instruments Act of July 29, 2005 (Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1382), by Mineralis Spółka z o.o. with a registered office in Toruń, that on December 29, 2017, in connection with the performance of the stock transfer agreement concluded on December 28, 2017, Mineralis Spółka z o.o. purchased 15,000,000 Boryszew S.A. stocks. As a result of this transaction, Mineralis Spółka z o.o. exceeded the threshold of 10% of all votes at the general meeting of Boryszew S.A.
Before the above-mentioned transaction, Mineralis Spółka z o.o. owned 19,875,000 Boryszew S.A. stocks representing 19,875,000 votes at the general meeting, i.e. 8.2812% of all votes at the general meeting of Boryszew S.A.
On the day of transaction, Mineralis Spółka z o.o. owned 35,875,000 Boryszew S.A. stocks representing 34,875,000 votes at the general meeting, i.e. 14.5313% of all votes at the general meeting of Boryszew S.A.
There are no persons referred to in art. 87, sec. 1, letter ‘c’ of the Public Offering Act. There are no subsidiaries, other than those specified in this notification, that own Boryszew S.A. stocks. There are no financial instruments pertaining to Boryszew S.A. stocks as referred to in art. 69, sec. 4, item 7-9 of the Public Offering Act.
Piotr Szeliga – Member of the Management Board
Paweł Tokłowicz – Proxy
Translation from the original Polish version.
In the event of differences resulting from the translation, reference should be made to the official Polish version.