The Management Board of Boryszew S.A. (the Company) informs that subsidiary company –
Impexmetal S.A. acting upon the authorization granted by Boryszew S.A. through the Resolution no
19 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Boryszew S.A. of 25 June 2014 regarding authorization of the
Management Board to purchase Boryszew’s treasury shares and pursuant to Article 362 § 1 point 8)
and Article 362 § 4 of the commercial companies code purchased on 22 December, 2016 on the
Warsaw Stock Exchange 30,000 units of Boryszew treasury shares of the nominal value of PLN 1.00
each share, in the following transactions constituting 0.013% of the share capital and 0.013% of votes
at the General Meeting of Boryszew S.A .:
– The time of the transaction: 09:31:21 a.m., the number of shares purchased in the transaction:
29,708, the average price per one share: PLN 7.98,% in the share capital and % of votes at the
General Meeting of Boryszew S.A.: 0.0124%;
– The time of the transaction: 09:33:20 a.m., the number of shares purchased in the transaction: 292,
the average price per one share: PLN 7.98,% in the share capital and % of votes at the General
Meeting of Boryszew S.A.: 0.0001%;
After these transactions the Company, directly holds 7,830,000 of its shares and indirectly through its
subsidiaries 14,090,000 shares of Boryszew S.A. representing a total of 21,920,000 shares which are
equal to 9.13% of the share capital, giving right to 21,920,000 votes at the GM of Boryszew S.A.,
which are equal to 9.13% the total number of votes.
Legal basis: § 5.1(6) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and
periodic information provided by issuers of securities and on conditions under which information
required by legal regulations of a third country may be recognised as equivalent.
Signatures of the Company’s representatives:
Jarosław Michniuk – President of the Management Board
Translation from the original Polish version.
In the event of differences resulting from the translation, reference should be made to the official
Polish version.