Boryszew S.A. (the Company) informs that subsidiary company – Impexmetal S.A. acting upon the authorization granted by Boryszew S.A. through the Resolution no 4 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Boryszew S.A. of 13 October 2011 regarding authorization of the Management Board to purchase Boryszew’s treasury shares, changed by Resolution no 22 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Boryszew S.A. of 24 June 2013 as well as upon art. 362 § 1 point 8) and art. 362 § 4 of the commercial companies code, purchased on 26 September 2013 on the Warsaw Stock Exchange 4,556,426 units of Boryszew’s shares of the nominal value of PLN 0.10 each share, at the unit price of PLN 0.57 per one unit.
The above mentioned shares are equal to 4,556,426 votes at the General Meeting of the Company and are equal to 0.21 % of the share capital of the Company.
After these transactions the Company, directly and indirectly, holds 1563,284,308 of its shares, or 7.42 % of the share capital.
According to § 5 section 1 point 6 of the Decree
Piotr Szeliga – President of the Management Board