The Management Board of Boryszew S.A. (the Company) informs that it received a notification on 1 October 2013 from a member of the Management Board and a member of the Supervisory Board, taking also supervisory posts in Impexmetal S.A. that a subsidiary company – Impexmetal S.A. acting upon the authorization granted by Boryszew S.A. through the Resolution no 4 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Boryszew S.A. of 13 October 2011 regarding authorization of the Management Board to purchase Boryszew’s treasury shares, changed by Resolution no 22 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Boryszew S.A. of 24 June 2013 as well as upon art. 362 § 1 point 8) and art. 362 § 4 of the commercial companies code, made the following purchase transactions on the Warsaw Stock Exchange:
Date of transaction
No. of shares
Share’s average price
The obliged persons do not agree to disclose their personal data.
Piotr Szeliga – President of the Management Board