80/2013 Korekta
The Management Board of Boryszew S.A. revises the characters mistake in the enclosure no. 5 to the Merger Plan of Boryszew S.A., Boryszew ERG S.A. and Nylonbor Sp. z o.o., published in the current report no. 80/2013 on 23 October 2013.
It has been stated in the enclosure that (…) the Company value as at 1 September 2013 recognized as accounting value of assets amounts PLN 176,203,141.24 – according to the balance sheet of the Company – encl. No. 7 to the Merger Plan.
It should be:
(…) the Company value as at 1 September 2013 recognized as accounting value of assets amounts PLN 171,303,999.73 – according to the balance sheet of the Company – encl. No. 7 to the Merger Plan.
The contents of encl. No. 7 in the encl. No. 5 has not been changed and has described the accounting value of assets as at 1 September 2013 on the amount of PLN 171,303,999.73. In this connection the above mentioned adjustment i san adjustment of the evident characters mistake.
All other data included in the Merger Plan has been re-chacked and stated as corrected.
Piotr Szeliga – President of the Management Board