In connection with the current report no 80/2011 of September 16th, 2011 and no 85/2011 of September 30th, 2011 the Management Board of Boryszew S.A. (Company) informs that the agreement on sale of assets of the company WEDO Formenbau und Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH with the seat in Germany (WEDO) for the amount of almost Eur 2 m between bankruptcy trustee and a 100 % subsidiary of Boryszew S.A. was signed.
The following items are included in the purchased assets:
– fixed assets,
– intangible assets (including intellectual property),
– working assets,
– employees agreements,
– contracts.
The essential conditionis to get an agreement of the proper German anti-trust office as far as concentration is concerded.
WEDO is a highly specialised closely integrated with AKT Group’s enterprisers (purchased by the Company in August 2011) supplying construction, design, R&D services as well as production of forms – both for AKT and clients from automotive branch and for others outside that branch.
WEDO is a producer of world quality forms and appliances for production of plastic elements in injection technology, employing ca 100 employers, with its own constructors division.
Acquisition of WEDO will strenghten the exceptional position of Boryszew and AKT Groups as a complete supplier of plastic parts starting from design services , R & D till production of final elements in automotive section.
Małgorzata Iwanejko – President of the Management Board
Paweł Miller – Member of the Management Board