The Management Board of Boryszew S.A. (Company) informs that the Company has got the
decision from the Regional Court of Łódź in Łódź, XV Economic Section of the Pledge Registry
informing about an entry to the pledges register of securities being in the stock – exchange turnover.
The subject of the pledge are 13,102,651 units of shares of Impexmetal S.A. belonging to Boryszew
S.A. The pledge has been established for the benefit of Alior Bank S.A. with the seat in Warsaw to
the highest amount of guarantee of EUR 39,000,000.00 as a security of the receivables of the bank as:
– Credit Agreement regarding current credit of 4 August 2010, with further amendments for the
amount of EUR 9,000,000.00,
– Credit Agreement regarding revolving credit in the credit account of 16 September 2012 with
further amendments for the amount of EUR 10,500,000.00,
The nominal value of shares being the subject of pledge amounts to PLN 5,241,060.40 and their
balance value in the books of Boryszew S.A. as at 30 September 2013 amounts to PLN 40.2 m. The
above mentioned shares constitute 6.55 % of the initial capital of Impexmetal S.A. and give 6.55 %
of votes at the General Meeting.
There are no affiliations between Boryszew S.A. and its managers or supervisors and Alior Bank
S.A. and its managers.
Criterion for the base of recognizing assets as assets of great value – the value of shares being the
subject of pledge, in the day of this information, exceeds the equivalence of EUR 1.0 m.
Piotr Szeliga – President of the Management Board