Current report no: 29/2021
With reference to the report No. 17/2021 of on the decision to launch the review process of strategic options for selected groups of assets, the Management Board of Boryszew S.A. based in Warsaw (“Spółka”, “Issuer”) announces hereby that on 10 September 2021 the Management Board resolved to merge Boryszew S.A. based in Warsaw with its subsidiaries SPV Impexmetal Sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw and Impex-invest Sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw (the Acquired Companies).
The merger will be affected under art. 492 § 1 point 1 of the Commercial Companies Code by transferring all the assets of the above mentioned subsidiaries to Boryszew S.A.
The Issuer believes that the merger will result in further improvement of the efficiency of Boryszew Group management by simplification of its organisational structure and optimum use of assets.
The Issuer will announce further significant stages of the merger in the form of relevant reports.
Legal attitude: Article 17 section 1 MAR – Confidential information.
Wojciech Kowalczyk – President of the Management Board
Translation from the original Polish version.
In the event of differences resulting from the translation, reference should be made to the official Polish version